Linx Eden
The Linx Eden is an extremely small and discreet portable vaporizer that uses a convection heating system. The dry flower quartz chamber provides an exceptionally pure vapor flavor. Linx Eden impresses for its high quality and abundant vapor production, its premium workmanship and its affordable price.
4 preset temperatures, vibration notifications and the possibility to vaporize concentrates are just some of the great features that Linx has managed to pack into this portable vaporizer.
Sleek and stealthy, with the highest quality workmanship
Linx Eden is one of the smallest and stealthiest vaporizers on the market today. It features a sleek, minimalist design – there is only one button and 4 LEDs on the metal casing. On the bottom of the device there is a USB-C port, which we will return to later in the description.
The heating chamber is made of the highest quality quartz and is located on the upper part of the device. A glass mouthpiece is placed in the lid mounted above it. Interestingly, the manufacturer also thought about a protective magnetic mouthpiece cover – so you don’t have to worry about damaging it while carrying the device in your pocket or backpack. It is also worth adding that Linx Eden fits 18.8 mm water pipes without any adapters!
Convection heating system, great vapour quality
Linx Eden features a convection heating system, although as you inhale, the quartz heating chamber also starts to heat up gradually, adding a little bit of a conduction heat – this guarantees rich vapour production throughout the session.
The quality of the vapour is really optimal, however with longer inhalations at higher temperatures the mouthpiece may heat up slightly. This problem can be solved by pressing the flowers tightly in the chamber. The amount of vapour will also satisfy fans of large clouds.
Linx Eden stands out for the rich aroma provided by the combination of a quartz chamber and a glass mouthpiece.
Quartz chamber, 4 temperature settings
The quartz chamber holds between 0.15 and 0.25 g of ground plant material, depending on how compact the flowers are. This amount is sufficient for quite a long and fully satisfying session, this is why we consider Linx Eden a vaporizer with a high extraction efficiency.
There are 4 temperature settings: 182, 193, 204 and 220°C. This range is fully sufficient for effective vaporization, however, the last setting is recommended for the vaporisation of concentrates rather than flowers. Linx Eden offers extract vaporization thanks to the so-called Lava Plates, i.e. special pads mounted at the bottom of the chamber.
Especially noteworthy is the short heat-up time, which is only 20 seconds. When the temperature is reached, you will be notified by a vibration – another valuable function.
Charging via USB-C
The battery’s capacity is 2500 mAh, which is quite an achievement for the manufacturer, given the size of the Linx Eden vaporizer. A fully charged battery allows for about 6 full sessions, which is an excellent result, considering that the flowers are vaped through convection heat.
Charging takes place via the USB-C port, a reasonably fast and powerful charging solution. This doesn’t change the fact that charging takes more than 3 hours, which is quite a long time.
Linx Eden – great quality at a good price!
Linx Eden is a great and very discreet portable vaporizer, which will satisfy both beginners and advanced users. This multi-purpose device provides high quality vapour and efficient extraction, on top of a number of interesting premium features, and is offered at a very convenient price.
If you’re looking for a small, affordable vaporizer and at the same time expect the highest quality vapour – Linx Eden is the device for you!
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